Boys and girls are different.
There. I said it. And I stick by it. Oh, sure, there's the obvious of what we look like, but why is it such a big deal nowadays to suggest differences between the sexes? I believe it all boils down to one main misconception:
Sameness ≠ Equality.
There has been great inequality between men and women in the past, and there still is today. But we need not get so caught up in the ideal of equality as to completely eliminate the beautiful differences of guys and girls. Men don't have to be women and women don't need to be men.
I have a right hand and I have a left hand. I need them both. They have very similar properties, and can do many of the same things just fine. But do not ask me to write legibly with my left hand and don't ask me to type the word "stewardesses" if you're in a rush. Definitely don't ask me to play the saxophone unless I have full use of both.
When God created Adam, He didn't consider the creation complete until He created Eve, "an helpmeet for him." "Helpmeet" is equivalent to "equal and opposite." Another way to look at it is this little ditty I read several years ago:
God made woman from man's rib.
Not from his foot to be trampled on,
Nor from his head to top him,
But from his side, to be equal to him,
Under his arm to be protected by him,
And close to his heart to be loved by him.
Boys and girls are different and wonderfully so. Why not celebrate and utilize these differences? As I stated in an earlier entry, someone once described beauty as finding unity within diversity. Two units which are in and of themselves opposite of each other coming together in one unified, cohesive unit is so much more powerful than individually,
Check this out. The word "man" in Hebrew is . איש That little י in the middle is called a Yod. The word "woman" is אשה. With that last letter ה being a "Hey." No matter what happens, men will never have a hey and women will be forever yod-less. But if we take those two letters together we get יה, which is an abbreviation for יהוה, or Jehovah. God's name cannot be spelled without both men and women contributing.
Men and women are different, and in so being they can complete each other, complementing strengths, strengthening weaknesses, and creating a synergistic entity. True beauty is in finding unity within diversity.
Special thanks to Ross Baron for teaching me the Hebrew name principle and to for providing the spelling.
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